Our Mission
Our mission is to serve the City of Laguna Beach by networking people into a community that works.
It was on June 16 in 2009 when Jesus appeared to Don in a vision as he was driving on the Pacific Coast Highway in Laguna Beach. Jesus had what appeared to be a wire or chain around His neck that caught Don’s attention. Immediately, Don knew that Jesus was creating something and as the diverse shaped and various colored stones gradually appeared, it became apparent that it was a beautiful necklace.
Jesus then spoke to Don and said;
"I want you to gather and bring together the distinct and diverse people of Laguna Beach and build a community that will reveal Me to the people within the city."
Taken back by the vision, Don shared what he experienced with his wife Karen, a few of his trusted friends and his pastor Mike Hudgins. After much prayer and discernment, they all agreed that it was indeed an assignment from God. It was then that Don entered a new season of prayer as he spent countless hours talking to God about what he was supposed to do next, how he was going to take on this new mission.
During this time, wise counsel came to Don and Karen suggesting that they move to Laguna Beach to gain credibility with the people within the city. Shortly thereafter, they put their house on the market selling it in one day and receiving more money than they were asking. They then found a wonderful house to rent, atop one of the highest hills in Laguna Beach, with views of the ocean that surpassed anything they could have anticipated.
It was then, the mission began. They started their first group in Laguna Beach mid-January of 2010. Relying on their faith and trust in God, they knew He would enable them to fulfill His calling. As they continue this mission, Don and Karen’s desire is to create a network of prayer, encouragement and financial support that will serve God’s purpose in Laguna Beach and beyond.
If you would like to help make a difference, we encourage you to partner with them and the Net-Works community. Firstly, by praying for them and secondly, by asking God how you can serve.

Our Values

We value relationship with Jesus from which our identity, calling and commission flows.

We value compassion that connects people to experience relationship and mission with God (our highest calling – what we all were made for).

We value God’s mission here on earth that invites men and women to know Him now and forever; giving them the gift of eternal life.

We value collaboration, both local and international, as it brings people together and empowers us to do more, to make a difference.